Google Analytics Alternatifleri


Matomo analytics lets sites keep their visitor data private without sharing it with anyone else, and is compliant with GDPR regulations. It also respects the web browser No Follow standard (which lets users opt out of web tracking by selecting “No Follow” in their browser options).

Matomo’s software is free and open source, so anyone can install and use it on their own servers completely free of charge. There are also paid options for those who don’t want to host analytics software themselves.

Plausible Analytics

Plausible is a very simple and privacy-friendly analytics software. It is fully open source and can be tried 30 days for free.


GoatCounter is an open source web analytics platform available as a hosted service (free for non-commercial use) or self-hosted app. It aims to offer easy to use and meaningful privacy-friendly web analytics as an alternative to Google Analytics or Matomo.

Statify for WordPress

Statify is a straightforward Wordpress plugin to collect statistics on your site. It only counts page request instead of collecting personal data.

Simple Analytics

We don't use cookies or collect any personal data. So no cookie banners, GDPR, CCPA, or PECR to worry about.

Based in Europe


Open Web Analytics is the free and open source web analytics framework that lets you stay in control of how you instrument and analyze the use of your websites and application.


No info


Fathom is a simple, light-weight, privacy-first alternative to Google Analytics. So, stop scrolling through pages of reports and collecting gobs of personal data about your visitors, both of which you probably don’t need. Our website stats show up on a single, blazingly fast dashboard so you can make business decisions quickly